Outdoor Boudoir - A Rite of Passage

“I was unprepared for the truth that
this was actually a rite of passage.

We do so much work on ourselves as women, reclaiming our minds, our hearts, our soft energies and our fierceness, our freedom of sexuality, and the freedom to feel beautiful in our bodies, regardless of shape- but the missing piece, for me, was the tangible, embodied truth of my own sensuality. I realized, as I stared dumbstruck at Jen's portraits of me, that I had been carrying myself as if I were still a 16 year old tomboy. The proof and celebration of my grown woman's body, grown woman's sensuality, was soul shattering, life changing.

Seeing myself as such, while also still seeing the
parts of myself that I am familiar with shining through,

brought me home to a place
I had not known I was estranged from.