What is Erotic photography?

erotic photography is…

Subjective and completely up to you.

The genre of erotic photography is wide and varied, which makes it difficult to pin down a clear-cut definition. To me, erotic photography captures not only the physical connection between two (or more) people, or the connection a person has with themself, but also the passionate emotional connection. Erotic photography freezes a moment in time that makes tangible the intangible things that we can feel but can't see. It's an art form depicting the beauty of the height of human nature: sex.


we are biologically hardwired to yearn for sex,

This is what keeps our population thriving. Luckily, we're also intelligent creatures that have found ways to harness the pleasures of our bodies in ways that don't always lead to reproduction (phew, thank you oral sex & science)!


Our hardwiring is the reason we're so drawn to visually stimulating things that are sexually arousing. The crude depiction of this would be porn. Brightly lit images of the act of sex, close-up genitals with flat lighting, etc. Erotic photography takes porn and puts an artistic spin on it for the more refined palette, making it more "classy" for everyday consumption. It uses shadows and contrast to leave some mystery and stir provocative emotions. When done right, erotic photography evokes feelings of desire, pleasure, and arousal.

**Side note: there is absolutely nothing wrong with porn, I'm just stating the differences.

Make no mistake in assuming that erotic photography is less explicit. It can be just as explicit as porn, just more aesthetically pleasing. It also doesn't have to be explicit at all, it can be "Facebook appropriate" and fully clothed and still be erotic enough to make a nun sweat.

As a professional erotic photographer, it's not my job to define what erotic photography means to you. It's my job to bring your vision of what erotic photography is to life for you.

So what does erotic photography mean to you?

What do you want your photos to look like?

The great thing about planning your own erotic photoshoot is there are no right or wrong answers! Just your own desires.

erotic photography pov
erotic photography of couple having sex